Social impact
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4m 09s
What is the FSI and who do they support?
Pauline Broomhead
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1m 27s
What consequences have you seen since the funding cuts?
Wendy Walton-Towle
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1m 40s
What does Social Return on Investment mean?
Janine Edwards
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4m 23s
When might social franchising be appropriate for an organisation?
Charlotte Hanson
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2m 23s
What should charities be measuring?
Charlotte Hanson
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1m 55s
What are the benefits of measuring the impact?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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3m 42s
What challenges can charities face when trying to demonstrate their social...
Janine Edwards
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3m 50s
Who’s responsible for calculating a charity’s impact and what are the...
Janine Edwards
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2m 08s
Why is crowdfunding a new big investing trend?
Rachel Smith
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1m 31s
With funding cuts, why is it so important that charities collaborate?
Helen Black
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2m 35s
Have you got any examples of a successful crowdfunding campaign?
Rachel Smith
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3m 25s
How do you effectively sell your charity to a health commissioner?
Nicky Lidbetter
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3m 27s
How does your charity measure its impact, can you give us some examples?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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1m 37s
How do you get commissioners to engage with your services?
Nicky Lidbetter
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5m 04s
How can a charity calculate the social impact they have?
Janine Edwards
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3m 34s
Tell us about the Tinder Foundation and the importance of digital skills?
Kevin Maye
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2m 20s
How has the Tinder Foundation used a case study to help engage it's...
Chris Andersson
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1m 17s
Why should people who have been made redundant consider volunteering?
Michael Skeldon
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1m 31s
What is a community group?
Julie Close
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2m 51s
How do you set up a community group and what do you need to consider?
Julie Close
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3m 40s
How do you find a story that illustrates impact?
Julie Close
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1m 00s
Without money incentives how can charity leaders retain excellent staff?
Janine Edwards