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1m 38s
Best approach to checking-in with a mentee
Helen Amery
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2m 16s
What is the process of signing up as a mentor?
Jemeela Quraishi
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1m 28s
What are your top tips for mentees?
Helen Amery
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2m 42s
Why is your role as a Steps Ahead mentor and ambassador so important?
Sarah Rowett
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2m 17s
Do you have any tips for working with and supporting young people?
Stephanie Sowersby
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What would you say to others looking to get involved in Steps Ahead mentoring?
Tessa Oversby
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4m 09s
What would you say to others who are considering becoming a mentor?
Sarah Rowett
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1m 31s
When first connecting with young people, what challenges might you face?
Simon Collins
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1m 56s
Can you give an example of when you mentored someone?
Helen Amery
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1m 34s
How did you get into the Steps Ahead mentoring programme?
Simon Collins
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What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?
Tessa Oversby
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2m 29s
Can you tell us about your experiences in the mentoring process?
Madia Shoukat
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1m 34s
Is the transition from formal to informal learning difficult for young people?
Abi Bracken
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1m 26s
Top tips for mentors when they first meet their mentee
Helen Amery
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1m 18s
How has the Steps Ahead programme helped with your personal and professional...
Tessa Oversby
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1m 00s
Why introduce the Steps Ahead programme to your HR team?
Mike Thompson
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2m 21s
Interview tips for a young person going into the workplace
Sarah Rowett
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2m 12s
Should there be exchange of payment for mentoring?
Sarah Rowett
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1m 13s
What would you say to others who are considering becoming a Steps Ahead mentor?
Simon Collins
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1m 32s
What does the term ‘mentoring’ actually mean?
Stephanie Sowersby
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1m 04s
Why should CIPD members sign up as Steps Ahead mentors?
Jemeela Quraishi
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1m 26s
What is the role of a mentor?
Helen Amery
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2m 02s
What is mentoring?
Helen Amery
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1m 47s
Top tips for reaching out and working with young people
Sarah Rowett
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1m 18s
What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?
Sarah Rowett
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1m 25s
What are the differences between coaching and mentoring?
Theresa Martin
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3m 51s
What training framework is there available for mentors?
Jemeela Quraishi
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2m 03s
In what ways can you help a mentee struggling with mental health issues?
Jill Miller
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2m 08s
What was your experience in mentoring and how did it help you?
Madia Shoukat
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Can you explain your role as a Steps Ahead mentor?
Tessa Oversby
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2m 28s
How can a mentor help someone struggling with mental health issues?
Jill Miller
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2m 02s
What are the fundamental aspects to a good mentoring relationship?
Helen Amery
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1m 19s
Can you tell us about your role as a Steps Ahead mentor?
Simon Collins
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1m 16s
Should a mentor be paid or should they do it for free?
Helen Amery
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1m 33s
What advice would you give a young person looking to get into work?
Madia Shoukat
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3m 22s
How can charities develop their leaders with minimal budgets?
Caspar Walsh
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1m 13s
How can charities implement social learning?
Michelle Parry-Slater
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6m 50s
Why are women less likely to be promoted to senior positions?
Kate Cooper
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2m 28s
What are the differences between coaching and mentoring?
Jane Saunders
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2m 48s
What should young people expect when entering the workplace?
Danny Seals
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2m 37s
How can L&D managers and charities create key relationships with...
Caroline Carr
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4m 53s
Is it employers’ responsibility to make it as easy as possible for young...
Katerina Rudiger
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2m 00s
How has Getty Images managed to achieve a successful induction programme?
Kim George
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1m 27s
How can organisations implement mentoring in the workplace and how important is...
Kim George
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3m 29s
Why is networking important?
Darryl Howes