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5m 34s
How important is it to have a training and learning strategy?
Robin Hoyle
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3m 43s
What are the issues, costs, and benefits of gamification in L&D programmes?
Ben Betts
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2m 19s
How do you measure success with some of the new social media tools for L&D?
Julie Wedgewood
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2m 47s
What processes should people consider in project management?
Charlie Lambert
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3m 00s
Are there any clear reasons why crowdfunding fails?
Rachel Smith
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2m 06s
What are the challenges of running a social enterprise?
Simon Bates
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2m 54s
What are your top tips for community fundraising?
Tom Rodriguez Perez
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1m 41s
Where do you start when trying to measure the impact your charity has?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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3m 39s
What are your top tips for creating and delivering a successful capital...
Maureen Robbins
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4m 26s
How important is the launch of the charity and how do you engage your key...
John Blandford
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1m 40s
What does Social Return on Investment mean?
Janine Edwards
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3m 04s
Can you tell us about SROI and using it as an impact measurement tool?
Charlotte Hanson
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2m 23s
What should charities be measuring?
Charlotte Hanson
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1m 55s
What are the benefits of measuring the impact?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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1m 29s
What is design thinking and why is it important for organisations?
Melissa Nobrega
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3m 42s
What challenges can charities face when trying to demonstrate their social...
Janine Edwards
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2m 24s
How can you build an effective measurement framework?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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3m 50s
Who’s responsible for calculating a charity’s impact and what are the...
Janine Edwards
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3m 25s
How do you effectively sell your charity to a health commissioner?
Nicky Lidbetter
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2m 38s
How can charities develop an impact measurement framework?
Charlotte Hanson
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3m 27s
How does your charity measure its impact, can you give us some examples?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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2m 38s
How do you manage corporate partnerships effectively?
Wendy Carter
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1m 41s
Why is it so important for charities to measure their impact?
Charlotte Hanson
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1m 58s
Who’s responsible for measuring impact within their charity?
Charlotte Hanson
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5m 04s
How can a charity calculate the social impact they have?
Janine Edwards
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3m 24s
What is the most effective way to evaluate learning in the workplace?
Stuart Warner
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4m 09s
What is the future of learning?
Andy Lancaster
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2m 11s
What is the most effective way to evaluate learning?
Marco Sagona
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6m 32s
What is conversations training and how can it be applied to the workplace?
Hesketh Emden
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3m 20s
How important is a learning and development strategy?
Urvi Marsh
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1m 31s
What kind of L&D strategy should small charities be creating?
Edward Houghton
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2m 16s
Advice for small charities that are trying to upskill their staff
Edward Houghton
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2m 53s
How can organisations evaluate their L&D offerings and pull in results?
Edward Houghton
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2m 16s
Managing the effectiveness of your organisation’s learning interventions
Edward Houghton
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2m 30s
How can we make sure leadership is effective in an organisation and can it be...
Stephen Frost
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1m 26s
How can organisations implement video as part of their learning offering?
Lisa McCandless
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2m 01s
How does Jurys Inn measure customer satisfaction?
Edward Gallier
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What are the biggest challenges you face around your equality, diversity and...
Nagina Kayani