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3m 18s
What do you need to consider when setting up a social enterprise?
Simon Bates
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1m 29s
What determines whether a charity is eligible to receive statutory funding?
Amber Shotton
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What kind of work do clinical groups commission?
Nicky Lidbetter
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2m 06s
What are the challenges of running a social enterprise?
Simon Bates
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3m 31s
What is the impact in the loss of public funding on charities?
Amber Shotton
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4m 19s
How can charities diversify their income effectively?
Charlotte Hanson
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3m 50s
Who’s responsible for calculating a charity’s impact and what are the...
Janine Edwards
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1m 52s
Do you have an example of a charity that has had to be innovative due to cuts?
Amber Shotton
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What are clinical commissioning groups?
Nicky Lidbetter
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1m 11s
Can charities apply for statutory funding and if so, where do they start?
Amber Shotton
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3m 25s
How do you effectively sell your charity to a health commissioner?
Nicky Lidbetter
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3m 27s
How does your charity measure its impact, can you give us some examples?
Jo-Anne Welsh
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1m 37s
How do you get commissioners to engage with your services?
Nicky Lidbetter
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1m 35s
What advice do you have for organisations looking to implement a learning...
Zoe Ferdinand
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1m 44s
How can you justify the value of your IT costs to commissioners?
Gus Wilson